Austin Web Apps, Cloud Systems, and SaaS Custom Software Solutions Company - C3Solutionware Logo

Smart SMS Chatbots

Once our guest texting application went live we began the development of a "smart chatbot" that could automatically respond to many of the guests frequently asked questions. We soon realized just how powerful a labor saving and convenient tool it truly was.

Smart Chat Bots Use Case

Next Level Web App Development

  • All automated guest responses were highlighted so staff could always intervene or add to any conversations with guests.
  • All automated responses could be fully customized for each property. These could also include emoticons or photos.
  • Any SMS text or questions that could not be answered automatically were routed to the front desk with visual and audio notifications.
  • Guest requests were routed automatically to housekeeping or maintenance staff during working hours. The system would then inform the guest of the staff members name it was assigned to and as soon as their request was completed.
  • We also had monitoring flags in place for all manual responses in order to improve the systems ability to respond in the future.

Customer Results

  • At least a 1/3 or all the guests SMS questions were responded to automatically.
  • More than 2/3 of all guests requests were routed automatically to staff during working hours.
  • Phone calls to the front desk were reduced by 1/2 freeing up staff.
  • Guest frequently commented to staff and online how much they liked it and that more places should be using it.

Turn Your Vision, Into Reality.

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Performance SaaS Systems
& Web Applications

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We're always available to help so feel free to reach out to us anytime! We're happy to answer any questions and our initial consultations are always free.

We look forward to discussing your project with you and to begin exceeding all your expectations.

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Our Primary Services

Web Application Development

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24/7 Systems Web Apps Link Icon

SaaS Systems

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Investor Grade SaaS Link Icon

Custom Software

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AWS Cloud

24x7 Monitoring
Security AWS Cloud Link Icon


Private Equity
Partnerships Startups Link Icon

Project Use Cases

Smart Texting Solutions

How an idea evolved and innovated an industry. Smart Texting Use Case Link Icon

Staff Panic Buttons

We developed a better solution for improving staff safety. Panic Buttons Use Case Link Icon

Mobile Push Alerts

How we harness the full potential of mobile web apps. Custom Software Link Icon

Smart SMS Chatbots

Taking existing web apps to the next level. Custom Software Link Icon

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  Austin, Texas

We are a Results Driven Full Stack Web Applications, AWS Cloud Systems, and SaaS Custom Software Development company based in Austin, Texas. We specialize in Cost-Effective Quality Custom Web Development, AWS Cloud Systems, and SaaS Software Solutions with over 25 years of technical, development, and analytical experience building business critical applications of any size and scope from concept to 24/7 cloud production systems.


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